As one of the most widely used manufacturing technologies, turning has been a hot topic regarding requirements for high efficiency, high quality and high precision. This paper presents stability analysis of 1 DoF, 3 DoF, and 9 DoF turning models in the parameter plane of cutting width and spindle speed. The obtained stability charts show that when realistic damping is considered, the stability region predicted by 1 DoF model is more conservative than by higher DoF models in relatively low speed range, while in high speed range higher DoF models give much smaller stability region due to the presence of higher order vibrations.
张旭,张丽.多自由度车削系统稳定性分析[J].动力学与控制学报,2019,17(6):508~513; Zhang Xu, Zhang Li. Stability analysis of multi degree of freedom turning models[J]. Journal of Dynamics and Control,2019,17(6):508-513.